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[OM] Tamron Adaptall Mounts

Subject: [OM] Tamron Adaptall Mounts
From: Jan Decher <jdecher@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 13:58:37 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: olympus-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well, I threw in Konica for curiosity but I AM really interested in a
Contarex Adaptall mount.  I believe, my early Tamron brochure does still
list the Zeiss Contarex Mount as an option.  So let me know (anyone ot
there) if you come across one (has to work with current Tamron 2.8/90mm
Macro on a Contarex). 
BTW  the last Contarex had some features that Olympus could adopt for
a new OM model: exchangeable backs with dark slides, mirror lock-up and
exterior meter reading window. I believe Olympus copied the way you
exchange the finder screen through the lens mount opening from Contarex -
even the little holding tool included with every OM screen is similar to
It is of course ironic that the Zeiss Contarex expired in the year Olympus
launched it's OM-1 big time in Europe (1972). 

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