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Re: [OM] chat with Olympus person

Subject: Re: [OM] chat with Olympus person
From: "Shawn Wright" <swright@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 08:44:17 -0800
On 12 Nov 98 at 7:02, William Sommerwerck wrote:

> I feel Olympus USA should address this group directly, and explain their
> policies. The gentleman I spoke with is considering my request for
> direct contact.
While I look forward to this possibility, I think we should consider that such 
a spokesperson would be from Olympus USA, not Japan. Therefore, it is 
possible that his viewpoint on the future of the OM system is based on 
somewhat less than the full picture. (Witness the introduction of the OM-2000, 
where Olympus USA was several months behind in listing it on their web site, 
and I *believe* it was questioned whether they would sell it at all at one 
point. I may be wrong on the last point...)
Anyway, any words from Olympus are always welcome, especially about the OM 
system, and especially if some feedback from the list makes it back to them.

> I did, however, get some information on two less-important issues.
> First, Olympus does not make an achromatic close-up lens.
Are you referring to the screw-in diopters here? The ones I've seen are a 
perfect match for Hoyas. I've also seen Pentax ones which look nearly 
As for Olympus filters, they may be made by Hoya, but they are certainly a step 
up from the regular Hoya filters. I compared an Oly UV with Hoya UV and B&W UV 
- the Oly was thinner than the Hoya, and the coating was similar to the B&W - 
ie: much better at eliminating reflections, possibly MC, but certainly better 
than the standard Hoya.
Shawn Wright
Computer Systems Manager
Shawnigan Lake School

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