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Subject: Re: [OM] TEST
From: "Garry D. Lewis" <glewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 08:38:45 -0500
Ding-ding- ding!!!

Scott, Charles,  and Acer get to go on to the final 50 point essay question--

"Why I love my Olympus camera and what Judge Judyand my wife/girl friend had to 
say about it in court."

But seriously folks, I think Chuck's son is one lucky Dude and heck of a pilot. 
Too not panic and power down in the middle of a total destruct
With lots of rest and good food and everyone wishes, he should be back to speed 
in no time.

    yours yes it WAS a trick question,

                                    Garry D. Lewis

P.S. new models ? Hell, I'd settle for them just lowering the prices of their 
present models.

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