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[OM] ADITL3 comments - addendum

Subject: [OM] ADITL3 comments - addendum
From: Olaf Greve <Ogreve@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 10:02:28 +0100
Hi guys,

I'm typing this offline now, and it won't be until Monday that I can send it
out (or read the mail from the list), so maybe it has already been mentioned
by George (or another observant person), but in case it hasn't, I'll do the

Regarding my earlier message about the layout of the ADITL3 comments, I
forgot to say that the descriptions can actually include HTML too. We
shouldn't be stressing this to the level where calls are made to include
pictures in the comments, etc. (even though it is possible), but some
lay-out HTML tags are fine and can make your comments look more the way you

A quick (and by no means complete) guide to some simple HTML formatting:

-For putting a carriage return - line feed (i.e. ENTER) in your comments,
use: <br>
-Putting x multiple <br> tags right after one another will effectively
result in x-1 blank lines that are nice text separators (note: these will
not interfere with the regular text 1-blank-line separator!)

e.g. the following comment:
Olympus<br><br> above all the rest!

Will result in the following output:

above all the rest!

-Text can be shown in underlined style by using the balanced pair <u> and
</u>. Example: <u>Zuiko rules</u> results in the words "Zuiko rules" written
in italics.
-Using the balanced pair <b> and </b> in the same manner as the underline
tags, will output the text in bold face.
-Likewise, using the balanced pair <i> and </i> in the same manner as the
above two balanced pairs of tags, will output the text in italics.

Also, you can change the font to whatever type, size and colour you want.
E.g. typing: <font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="lightblue">OLYMPUS</font> 
Will output the word "Olympus" in a manner which looks remarkably like the
official logo (the Helvetica font will only be used if the Arial font is
somehow not found) ;)

Please use these tags sparsingly though, and please, please, please don't
try using the blink tag (deliberately not explained here ;) ) or some other
horrendous things like using various different styles of text alignments,
colours, and/or sizes interchangeably. Failure to comply will result in the
style police busting you! It goes without saying that all your Oly gear will
then be confiscated and sent to a particular address in Amsterdam!!! ;)

Have fun with the ADITL3 event, and if anyone needs some help with the HTML
stuff or so, please let me know.


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