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Re: [OM] Film

Subject: Re: [OM] Film
From: Charles Sdunek <csdunek@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 16:34:01 -0500
I'll have to give it a try.

My father shot a job recently, a company awards conference type thing using the
new Kodak Portra.  I saw some the  images enlarged to 8x10s from 35mm negs.
Just beautiful!  I don't do much portrait photograpy, but I think for sure I
will be considering this film for that.


Mickey Trageser wrote:

> I plan to try out the new Kodak Supra Professional print films on my
> upcoming trip to Paris and London. I saw the results a friend got with the
> 100 and 400 and found them to be very pleasing. Good saturation without
> unnatural skin tones. Very tight grain and sharp. I've ordered a bunch of it
> from B&H.
> -Mickey

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