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Re: [OM] OM-3 mechanical self timer

Subject: Re: [OM] OM-3 mechanical self timer
From: "Dr. Oben Candemir" <dunya.nospam@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:42:02 +1000
At 03:11 PM Thursday 14/06/2001, Mark Dapoz wrote:

I would assume that the decision to leave out the self timer was based
purely on space limitiations.  A purely mechanical camera such as the 3/3Ti
needs a mechanical self timer to actually push a lever in order to trigger
the shutter (just like the OM-1).  Electronic cameras such as the 4Ti use
electromagnets to trigger the shutter and that allows them to get away with
using an electronic timer.  With all the extra electronics in the 3Ti, I
doubt there was any room left to add a mechanical timer.

My take on it is this. The OM-3 was sold while the 1N was still available. The 1N certainly has a self timer as do all the other single digit professional OM bodies. These were bought by pro and amateur photographers. I think that the OM-3 was conceived as an uncompromising professional camera; a real tool that wouldn't be taken out on day trips where the photographer simply wanted to get themselves in a snapshot. Other uses for a self timer do exist... softer shutter release etc... but this could also be accomplished in other more expensive ways ie. with a motor drive alone or in combination with an m.remote cord.

That's my view... the truth on the other hand is out there...


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