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[OM] Sunsets and long-focus lenses

Subject: [OM] Sunsets and long-focus lenses
From: "Brian Swale" <bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 08:14:13 +1200
Hi Kierstin,

To get a feeling for what sunsets are all about, and to get experience while 
you are thinking about a longer-focus lens, I think you should use a standard 
50mm lens and make the sharpest, best-composed and exposed pictures 
you can. That will help shape your ideas.

If you want to see what he effect would have been had you used a longer-
focussing lens on any of the shots, enlarge the print and crop it to the 
appropriate size and composition, and see what you come up with.

Very satisfying, and a less - expensive way of trying your ideas out than 
buying a LF lens then finding it wasn't what you thought, after all.


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