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[OM] Re: Glitzy hood

Subject: [OM] Re: Glitzy hood
From: Andrew Gullen <andrew.gullen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 21:53:15 -0400
on 2004/09/03 9:38 PM, Wayne Culberson at waynecul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Now if I could find the metal one as you did, that would be different. Not
> that I'd likely ever use it, but it would look nice on my OM1n and SN 50mm,
> sitting in the drawer.

Actually my metal hood has ridden around in my camera bag and been used a
fair bit without coming to grief, apart from slowly getting a bit
silvernosed. Advantages:
 - comes on and off faster
 - less annoying than a screw-in with polarizers
 - gives some mechanical protection, though that hasn't been needed


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