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[OM] Re: Northern Lights

Subject: [OM] Re: Northern Lights
From: "Earl Dunbar" <edunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 23:28:40 -0500
I agree that you must experience it.  About 8 years ago there was a wonderful 
display where I was living (just east of Rochester, NY), and I went to 
neighbours' houses, knocked on doors and invited them outside to observe.  To a 
person they came outside and said, "Oh.  Yeah."  And went back inside.  I was 

BTW, what leather on the OM-1?  <g>


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On 11/8/2004 at 2:38 PM mms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>There was quite a show here in the early hours today.  The whole sky was
>practically on fire.  (44° 28' N   73° 9' W)
>I dragged out my OM-1 and 21mm to see what I might get with some Fuji 800.
> Hopefully more than just a blur.
>The effect can't be captured on film, I think.  You have to be there.
>Morgan Sparks
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