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[OM] Fungus in mirror chamber, was Att: Andreas Pirner

Subject: [OM] Fungus in mirror chamber, was Att: Andreas Pirner
From: Gary Teller <gmteller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 09:21:43 -0500
Jeff Keller wrote

 >Fungus in the mirror chamber? ... It's pretty common for the foam to break
 >down and leave marks on either the mirror or the pentaprism. I don't think
 >I've seen fungus in the camera itself. The camera doesn't seem to suck in
 >the fungus spores and provide as nice of a humid environment as a lens.

In the past year and a half I've bought several cameras that had what I 
would describe as fungus/mold in the mirror chamber/compartment.  I don't 
know how else to describe the whitish looking spots that appear on the 
black components that form the compartment.  Granted, I've not come across 
what I would consider to be fungus/mold on a mirror.  Down here in our 
relatively humid Georgia climate it doesn't take much for a body to develop 
this condition when it's been stored, with lens attached, in an attic or 
basement.  In the worst cases I could smell the moldy odor as soon as I 
picked up the body.  Fortunately, the stuff comes off with careful 
applications of denatured alcohol.  The accompanying lenses are another 
story.  I have a growing collection of paperweights that look terrific on 
the outside but are text book examples of fungus on the inside.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving-well at least those of you in 
countries that celebrated the holiday this past Thursday.


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