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[OM] Re: more pictures

Subject: [OM] Re: more pictures
From: Martin Walters <mwalters@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 07:42:55 -0500
Great photos. Reminds me of a trip I took across the Peruvian Andes in 
1983 (Trujillo to the Rio Maranon).  That was an 11 hour (or so) truck 
ride through a number of such villages.  Interesting people, not unduly 
afraid of photographers, if I remember. 

Wayne Culberson wrote:

>In each of the villages where we stayed for a visit, the local people would
>insist on giving us food. Usuallly it was soup. This is a picture of a lady
>washing the soup pot in the morning. Usually they have large aluminum pots,
>but these folks had only pots made from steel drums. This lady is scrubbing
>the inside of the pot using a handful of eucalyptus leaves. The next picture
>shows some pots of boiling soup.
>Quechua man eager to have his picture taken. I thought the doorway made an
>interesting background.
>Sometimes the people would want their pictures taken, or at least agree to
>it, then when you actually pointed the camera toward them they would become
>nervous or emabarassed or maybe even a bit fearful.
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