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[OM] Re: Welcome to all newbies

Subject: [OM] Re: Welcome to all newbies
From: hiwayman@xxxxxxx (Walt Wayman)
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 17:41:10 +0000
I'm on the verge of disappearing for a while, but, to set the record straight, 
my first posts were by Morse Code, and the List, when I came to it, as best I 
recall, was hosted in Canada, then moved to Oz, and finally found a home in 
France three or four years ago.

As always, I could be wrong. My memory's not what it used to be, but I don't 
really mind, because my imagination improves daily. I think it may be the 
beginning of -- what's it called -- senility or something?

A look at TOPE 1 will show you the mugs of lots of folks who were here before 
me, but who are now MIA.


It's football time in Tennessee! Go Vols. Be back in a week or two.


"Anything more than 500 yards from 
the car just isn't photogenic." -- 
Edward Weston

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "khen lim" <castanet.xiosnetworks@xxxxxxxxx>
> So the List is French in origin. Hope no one in the List eats frogs.
> K.
> On 01/09/06, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, the list is hosted in France.  Don't know how many members but it
> > used to be about 500 a couple of years ago.  Some notable old timers
> > have disappeared as of late.  I think I've been here for about 7 years
> > but I don't consider myself an old timer.
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