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[OM] Re: E-500

Subject: [OM] Re: E-500
From: Winsor Crosby <wincros@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 17:44:11 -0700
Have you actually made a comparison? When you take format dimensions  
and eyepiece magnification into effect, there is really very little  
difference between the 5D viewfinder image size and one of the better  
small sensor viewfinders like the one in a D200. 22mm v. 25mm for the  
long dimension.  .71 magnification seems to throw away much of the  
advantage of the larger format, at least for seeing what you are  
doing. I have read enough subjective judgments that the brightness is  
no better than a 20D, just a little bigger, that it makes me wonder.

For what it is worth. the finder in my 200D is a tad brighter than  
the one in my OM1n, but a little bit smaller because the Olympus has . 
84 eyepiece magnification.

Long Beach, California, USA

On Oct 12, 2006, at 3:27 PM, Moose wrote:

>  (The 5D viewfinder is already brighter than small sensor
> cameras, but not as bright as an OM.),

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