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[OM] Re: [OT] The cholesterol myth, was: Re: List etiquette for replies

Subject: [OM] Re: [OT] The cholesterol myth, was: Re: List etiquette for replies
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 17:42:02 -0500
It's a big decision if you believe that cholesterol is threating your 
health.  It's an even bigger decision when you have known heart problems 
as I do.  But it's an easy decision if you conclude, like I did, that 
cholesterol has a bad rap and that statin drugs are slowly eroding your 
health rather than helping in any significant way.  Cholesterol is 
basically an innocent bystander. But it took me two years of studying 
the literature starting with Ravnskov's book and plowing through some 
real data from real studies to conclude that the emperor has no clothes.

I will also say that going through these studies requires little in the 
way of medical background.  Most of the data is statistical and I do 
understand most of that.  And much of the statistics are an abomination 
that wouldn't pass muster in a rigorous examination of technique. 
Ravnskov discusses that in a fair amount of detail too.

Chuck Norcutt

Wayne Culberson wrote:

>>In 1998 I had a triple bypass and was put on Lipitor to bring down my
>>cholesterol.  I stayed on it for about 7 years but I believe that the
>>Lipitor (a statin drug just like Vytorin) is responsible for long term
>>muscle aches throughout much of my body.  I can't prove that but it
>>caused me to start probing deeply into the statin drug phenomena which
>>is now like a steamroller pushed by drug industry money. 
>> > --------------------------------
>>Good luck, John.  With a total cholesterol reading of only 110 you might
>>well need it.
>>ps:  There's lots more free and informed reading here:
>>Chuck Norcutt
> Listen very carefully to Chuck's advice.
> On my doctor's advice, I was on Lipitor (and another one before that, but 
> can't remember the name) for a total of about 5 years. About three years ago 
> I went off it totally, at my own decision, and against the doctor's advice. 
> I really believe I'd be in severe health problems now had I stayed on it. I 
> still have ongoing muscle problems, though not nearly as severe as when I 
> was on that stuff. I will never go back on any of it again.
> Wayne 
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