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[OM] Re: Walt Wayman makes his transition 07/15/07

Subject: [OM] Re: Walt Wayman makes his transition 07/15/07
From: Scott Gomez <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 21:36:10 -0700
Awww, damn it.

You'll be missed, Walt.

Scott Gomez

On Sun, 2007-07-15 at 14:56 -0400, NSURIT@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Walt passed away peacefully this morning.  Since leaving the hospital  and 
> going to hospice, all the tubes and other intrusions had been removed from  
> his 
> body and he was no longer restrained to prevent their removal.  He was  able 
> to eat some real food a day or two ago.  I am assuming most would  consider 
> scrabbled eggs and grits to be real food . . . it certainly is to  a good 
> southern boy.

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