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[OM] Re: IMG: re-worked cliffs near Poole

Subject: [OM] Re: IMG: re-worked cliffs near Poole
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2008 13:13:56 -0700
Nathan Wajsman wrote:
> After I posted my PAWs from last week, one of my images (the one that most of 
> us, including myself, thought to be the best of the set) was given the rare 
> honour of being "moosterized" by Moose, a member of the Olympus list who has 
> a penchant for suggesting improvements to others' pictures by posting a 
> "before and after" version on his web site. This is the original image, as I 
> posted it:
> http://www.fotocycle.dk:80/paws/uploads/2008/39alt12.jpg
Thanks for your kind characterization of my compulsive behavior. :-)
> Moose, as he often does, suggested punching up the contrast and saturation 
> significantly. Here is his "before and after" version:
> http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/Wajsman/39alt12.htm
I've added your new version to the roll-over, so all three may be seen 

Interestingly (possibly), I almost never adjust saturation or increase 
overall contrast and the only such adjustment I made here was to the red 
sail. LCE and Curves adjustments often give the impression/effect of 
increased saturation and global contrast.
> I tend to have a preference for muted colours and lower contrast, but in this 
> case I have to agree that his version represents an improvement, 
High praise indeed!

I certainly like the deeper, greener grass. The blue ocean seems a bit 
overdone to me, perhaps too cyan? The distant land behind the rocks has 
become even bluer and less clear. You've managed to bring up the red of 
the sails while retaining a more natural look than I did.

I still like the stronger small scale contrast/tonal graduation that 
enhances the cliff detail, but something less than mine and more than 
yours in that area might be best yet.
> and so this morning I went back to the original image and played with 
> adjustments in Lightroom until I got to something that went some of the way, 
> but not all the way, in the direction suggested by Moose. The result is here:
> http://www.greatpix.eu/gallery/4253606_netUM#386019421_EnS6t-O-LB
> It is a nice example of how feedback on these lists can happen across many 
> time zones and great distances. A nice illustration of the positive impact of 
> the internet and digital photography.
Indeed! I have learned so much more from what others present on the web 
than I ever would have with only books and my own images to learn from. 
It's a great blessing to be able to share with people all over the 
world. A local camera club doesn't come close in breadth and depth of 
alternate images.


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