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[OM] Re: [OT] Anyone got Vonage VOIP service?

Subject: [OM] Re: [OT] Anyone got Vonage VOIP service?
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 20:41:03 -0400
The correct procedure on carrier switching is to tell the new carrier to 
make the switch and use your existing number.  They will tell the 
previous carrier to terminate.

Chuck Norcutt

AS wrote:
> The garbles and delays were unbearable. I realize that slight delays
> and echoes are acceptable but it was very bad. Vonage may have
> matured since then. At the time I had cable not DSL. I would expect
> delays with DSL. I have DSL now and I can barely watch a video.
> Vonage uses SIP using the supplied box that you get when you sign-up.
> What happened with the phone was that I had terminated Vonage not
> realizing that it would affect the home phone #. I went to get the
> telcom service back up and lost the original #.

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