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Re: [OM] Smee with knee

Subject: Re: [OM] Smee with knee
From: Fernando Gonzalez Gentile <fgnzalez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 00:24:13 -0300
Amazing, but true.
I suspect the answer may be related to the amount of muscle which moves 
each particular joint.
This applies to the knee joint in particular; hip architecture is quite 
different and its surrounding muscles, although much bigger and numerous 
than those which make the knee to stay in place, play a lesser role in 
this regard.
Worse is the very complex shoulder joint, but one doesn't usually walk 
upside-down !

 From a 'darwinian' point of view, it's like paying taxes for walking 
using only those two legs; but the shoulder architecture pay taxes for 
the same reason. No way ... Entropy should be a TOPE ( and top ) event.

Nice Rx, Andrew - everything very clean, a state of the art s.XXI work. 
How did you get them: scanned, photo ?.


Andrew Fildes wrote:
> Hips are not nearly as bad - 

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