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Re: [OM] Diopter lenses, was: once again, digital vs film

Subject: Re: [OM] Diopter lenses, was: once again, digital vs film
From: Fernando Gonzalez Gentile <fgonzalezgentile@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 16:08:40 -0200
Mmmmm - I decided to tie an elegant short 'rope' (could be leather)
around my neck and to each end of that part of the spectacles which
lay over the ears. That's very useful by itself, not only to when to
take off your glasses while focusing - Doing so since 2003, cannot
live without that accessory no more.


2009/10/12 Carlos J. Santisteban <zuiko21@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi Fernando and all,

> I've always used my cameras (OM or otherwise) with my glasses on --
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