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Re: [OM] Travel lenses, was: 21/3.5, 35/2, and Zuikoholism

Subject: Re: [OM] Travel lenses, was: 21/3.5, 35/2, and Zuikoholism
From: iwert bernakiewicz <zuikooh@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 23:19:00 +0100
My favorite light travel Kit:

2 OM bodies, one B&W 400 ASA, one colour 160 ASA

21 f3.5
35 shift
40mm f2
85 f2

four lenses, all 49mm filters, two hoods, small package.
What do you want more? Maybe the 35 can be replaced with the 28f2 and
the 40 with a late 50mm f1.4 (+1.100.000 serial).

As you can see, I'm not a tele person.

The deluxe "heavy kit":

OM body + O(E)M-5D

50f2 macro
100 F2 macro

all 55mm filters, only one hood needed.

My vintage travel kit:

Pen FV, 18mm f3.5 + OM adapter (I'm even thinking of a custom shift
adapter), 38macro, 42mm and 60mm.

I'm in the process of "scanning" these Pen negatives with OM Bellows
and 5D + Vuescan
for the negative conversion and I'm becoming more and more happy with
the results,
but some more experimenting has to be done.


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