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Re: [OM] (OM) related - Manfrotto/bogen tripod head adj

Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) related - Manfrotto/bogen tripod head adj
From: "Brian Swale" <bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 21:33:21 +1200
Well, eventually I decided the only way to cure the head of my tripod was to 
remove the faceplate by levering it off with a stout blade. That worked but in 
the process I broke three plastic prongs that held it on. I didn't know they 
were there and had I known I would have been a little more patient with my 

The problem was that three set-screws with conical surfaces mating with the 
head base, under the faceplate, had worked loose. Not difficult as they were 
all a really sloppy fit.

Bad design; there should have been parallel sided pins doing the job. They 
would not have worked themselves loose.

Metal bits are together again and I am in the process of gluing the faceplate 
on with Selley's "Liquid Nails", which I had to hand.

Thanks for the parts offer Ken. So far I don't need to call on it.

Brian Swale. 
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