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Re: [OM] I'm done with PayPal

Subject: Re: [OM] I'm done with PayPal
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:44:34 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Ian,
It definitely was a real (attempted) theft. Nothing received was a spoof  
email, they were all the real PP notifications of money transfer. And the 
money  did make it out of my bank account (at least electronically if not 
physically!)  before being rectified BY THE BANK - NOT PayPal 24 hours later.
BTW- I have to tell the story of the security breach by the New York  
Yankees that I referred to also. 
I have a small season ticket package this year. The Yankees recently  
emailed me an apology explaining that they accidentally included an attachment  
to an email to several hundred season ticket holders. That attachment 
included  the name, address, and phone numbers of many season ticket  holders, 
well as what games we have tickets for. They were also patting  themselves on 
the back announcing there was no need for worry since no financial  info 
was included, that info being kept separately by them. 
So I emailed them back asking: "What do you mean, no need to worry?? Now  
several hundred strangers know my name, address phone # and what nights I'm  
going to be out of the house and at a game!- DUH!"      Not  surprisingly, I 
have not received a reply to that one. 
 I'll just have to place my faith in my very grumpy 110 lb German  Shepherd 
who hates strangers coming 'round even more than I do, and my wife's  
ability to direct the business ends of the Smith and Wesson .357, 9MM and  .380 
that are nearby.  HMmmm... I really shoulda replaced that  shotgun I 
sold.....time to go shopping....
George S.
All the ones I get here are scams, click on the link and you are  at
a fake paypal website which is eager to take your login details  :o)

Easy enough to tell by checking the email headers. All the ones  I
received on my server here are filtered to my abuse account  for
submitting to various spam and reporting services.

Never login in  to an account for anything from a email link
(unless you use a text client  like I do, and/or know what you
are doing).

Your paypal account will  also list these transfers if they are real.

Ian  Manners
FidoNet??? What a STUPID name for a  dog!!!

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