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[OM] Nathan's PAD 29/8/2011: pride of ownership

Subject: [OM] Nathan's PAD 29/8/2011: pride of ownership
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 22:50:09 +0200
Denmark is more than blond señoritas. It has a vibrant, skill-based economy 
that is doing quite well considering the crisis. Today, on my last day of my 
vacation in Denmark, I had the opportunity to see this up close. One of my 
friends from primary school, Henrik, invited me to visit him at the small 
factory he owns with a partner. Here he poses with part of a customer's order:


Detail of the huge chain (roughly five times as thick as a typical motorcycle 


It was an extremely interesting experience to visit this place and to feel the 
obvious pride of ownership when speaking with Henrik and the people who work 
with him. There are only 10-15 employees, but they have good jobs and the 
business is doing well.


Nathan Wajsman
Alicante, Spain

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