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Re: [OM] OM-Farbe and OM-Monochrom

Subject: Re: [OM] OM-Farbe and OM-Monochrom
From: Dawid Loubser <dawid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 12:24:07 +0200
A good read, Ken.

Ridiculous price for an ancient, warmed over CCD sensor with the  
colour filter array + de-mosaicing processing *removed* (which  
*reduces* costs), stupidly limiting the *minimum* ISO to 320 (!!) and  
*reducing* dynamic range (compared to both a normal M9, not to mention  
B&W film). That's leica for you. Always pay more, for less. This  
camera is a joke - but I am also actually glad it exists - diversity  
is always a good thing. Always.

Reading the press release for the M-Monochrom makes me want to burst  
out in laughter. Endless dissertation on the removal of conspicuous  
red logos and engraving in the top plate, the type of leather used,  
etc. This is proof - from the horse's mouth - that this system has now  
fully been embraced as a fashion accessory instead of a photographic  
tool. This camera will - like all other digital cameras - pale in  
insignificance for B&W work compared to medium-format film - and even  
35mm if you use slow film. The sample images (such as on DPReview)  
prove this, they are thoroughly uninspiring to my eyes. The samples I  
have seen from the Olympus OM-D E-M5 have been much more impressive  
(generally) than that the Leica handba...^W^W^W cameras can produce.

But what really, really gets me is the arrogance of putting a new 50mm  
f/2.0 on the market for $7000! I mean, come on. Even by Leica's  
"calculated" (i.e. not real) MTF curves, it's still inferiour to  
several sub-$2000 Canon lenses. There is also almost nothing left to  
improve over their current, sub-$2000, 50mm f/2.0 - nobody can exploit  
the current summicron hand-held. How frickin' good can a 50mm f/2 be  
now, really?

And interesting game to watch from the sidelines, but not one to  
participate in for me, thanks. I won't replace my M3 with an M- 
Monochrom even if somebody offered a straight swop :-)


On 14 May 2012, at 5:46 AM, Ken Norton wrote:

> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3003338492388&l=484902fb8d
> Or article on www.zone-10.com regarding the new Leica M-Monochrom.
> http://zone-10.com/cmsm/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=689&Itemid=1
> AG
> -- 
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.zone-10.com
> -- 
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