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Re: [OM] Ancient television in an abandoned house

Subject: Re: [OM] Ancient television in an abandoned house
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2012 16:21:28 -0400
On 10/7/2012 3:43 PM, Chris Crawford wrote:
> Nope, I'm not a thief. If they were mine, I'd not have left them and if
> the property owners had given them to me I'd have accepted the gift.

They all look to me like liabilities. Ancient tech, work poorly if at all, 
won't have inputs for cable/satellite and 
won't tune in current over the air signals.

Big, heavy pieces of junk that are hard to get rid of. Perfectly clear why they 
were left behind.

Just one Moose's strong opinion. :-)

T.V. Moose

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