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Re: [OM] IMG: Polly and Laura, II

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Polly and Laura, II
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:10:22 -0400
On 10/11/2012 8:52 AM, Tina Manley wrote:
> Thanks for all of the comments on Polly and Laura!  Here is the next shot
> in that series, unmanipulated, straight conversion to jpeg in LR:
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/146619111
> You can switch back and forth between the two:It's gone in the right 
> direction for
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/146602122
> Is it better with the Silver Efex treatment, or not?

It is, to my mind, a superior image, in two different ways:

First, the pose is much better. In the first, she is not looking at the dog's 
head/face with affection, but down 
further. In the second, the angle makes her face much more attractive, opens up 
the line of her body/head and creates a 
mysterious emotional connection with whoever is inside. It brings the interior 
of the house into the composition. For 
me, it is much more emotionally engaging.

Second, efx has done terrible things to the surface detail/texture of the door, 
the stonework around it and to the 
right. It has gone in the right direction on the shaded steps in the 
foreground, but much too far. It has driven almost 
all highlight detail in the woman, her clothes and the dog into invisibility.

I'm not sure what efx is supposed to do, but it has gone far beyond adjusting 
tonal curves to match a film look. I don't 
see why one would want such harsh contrast and surfaces for such a tender 

The second one could certainly be given a bit more local contrast in the mid 
tones but the smooth, subtle tonalities in 
the brighter areas seem exquisite to me. I think the rather soft look seems to 
fit the subject rather well as it came 
from the camera.

Leica did a much better job than NIK.

Moose d'Opinion

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