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[OM] Early impressions

Subject: [OM] Early impressions
From: Paul Braun <pbraun42@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2012 09:55:05 -0600
I charged the battery for 15 min last night then headed out to the model 
railroad club I belong to.  Brought the new toy along.

I got about a dozen shots off before the battery died - pretty much all 
of the settings were straight out of the box.

There was a string of freight cars sitting on the helix (a spiral track 
used to bring a train from one level of the layout to the next). So, 
they were sitting in shadows in a room with questionable fluorescent 
lighting (we're still under construction).  I actually got a usable 
shot.  The IS kept the lettering sharp, and I was amazed at how well the 
cars showed up.  Just....wow.

I spent some time this morning setting up dpreviews' recommended 
baseline settings.  We're about to head out to Indy in a little for our 
niece's wedding, so I'll leave the E-1 home and bring the new kid (I'm 
not shooting the wedding - these will just be family photos).  I'd do 
some outdoor stuff along the way, but we also have my wife's 93-year-old 
mother in the car with us, so that's not an option.  Unless I do some 
quick shots every 30 minutes when we make pit stops....

The body is smaller than my OM's, but not a whole lot.  I definitely 
look forward to the grip base, although I'm really wishing it had a 
shutter release on it.  At some point, I may end up with the battery 
grip.  We'll see.

The off-camera flash cord didn't show up yesterday, so I can't try the 
FL-50 on the Press-T.  I'll have to do that next week.

However, the difference in bulk and weight between the E-M5 and E-1 is 
not insignificant.  I could easily see carrying the E-M5 around my neck 
all day with minimal fatigue, something I can't say about the E-1.

I'll dust off the Flickr account sometime this weekend and publish results.


Paul Braun
Valparaiso, IN

"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever." - David St. Hubbins

"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life" - Harlan Howard

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