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Re: [OM] Fwd: What is the history or story behind Maitani signed OM3TI's

Subject: Re: [OM] Fwd: What is the history or story behind Maitani signed OM3TI's?
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 13:00:59 -0600
> It takes better pictures than the others.
>> What is the history or story behind Maitani signed OM3TI's?
>> There's one on ebay now.
>> Is it authentic?  Japan only?

He carried around a scribe to sign cameras. Entirely likely that it is
authentic. A signed OM-3Ti in top condition should definitely fall
into the "collector" category. I'm not one to encourage "collector
cameras", but that would be one (if it's in top condition) that I'd
box up and shelf for investment purposes. If it's in "user" condition,
keep using it since it won't lose any further value.

Ken Norton
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