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Re: [OM] (OM) OT Update

Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) OT Update
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 19:45:53 -0400
My wife had a heart attack about 10 years ago.  The lucky lady is still 
quite alive due to having her heart restarted 3 times in the emergency 
room.  Unlike Maggie she did suffer some heart damage... significantly 
reduced ejection fraction.  Fortunately, 5 days in the hospital without 
cigarettes was enough to get her to quit.  She also got lung cancer a 
few years afterward and also survived that.  It cost her the upper 1/3 
of one lung but she survived it all without chemo or radiation therapy. 
  Today she's pretty healty, eats well and exercises a lot, usually 
about 2 hours/day.  Now there's not much that gets in her way... except 
a steep hill when she's on foot.  That's the reduced heart and lung 

Chuck Norcutt

On 7/24/2013 8:22 AM, Brian Swale wrote:
> My partner Maggie had a heart attack on Saturday 13th, confirmed when
> she had an appointment with her GP on Wednesday 17th.
> It's been a while coming. For literally months she has been sitting around
> "all" day, reading novels and smoking like a train. Little I could say 
> without it
> being construed as nagging.
> No damage done as far as can be ascertained; but it is a serious warning.
> She is starting to panic a bit, and my responses have been along the line of
> "don't keep on doing the same and expect a different outcome", I 'have'
> managed to get her to come for small walks with me, of an intensity she can
> cope with ( such exercise is good for the endothelium of the arteries), I'm
> trying to get her to eat healthier foods ( but she is a poor eater), and 
> reduce
> smoking. But for a person who used to run marathons, her current
> performance is miserable. She "is" starting to listen.
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