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Re: [OM] Pervasive Windows file system bug and E-M5 date/time failure

Subject: Re: [OM] Pervasive Windows file system bug and E-M5 date/time failure
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 22:22:59 -0700
On 11/2/2013 5:51 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> ...
> As soon as I got outside and turned on the camera I saw a strange (and
> undocumented) error display screen from the camera... a large, analog
> clock face with something like Year/Month/Day displayed in orange on a
> black background.  It was a surprise.

This is a common problem with the E-PL3 and E-PM1. It seems that a fair number 
of them lose date//time data whenever the 
battery is removed, even for a moment. (Note to self, send the E-PL3 in for 
warranty repair.)

> ....  I didn't care what the date and time might
> be.  Maybe the announce date of the E-M5.  Maybe 00:00:00.  Maybe
> Maitani's birthday.  I didn't care.  But I should have and you should
> too.  Here's why.

As a result of the above, I've had shots without date/time data downloaded to 
my Vista machine. And I've had none of the 
problems you did. They downloaded properly in PIE and showed up properly in 
Explorer and FastStone. I fixed them to 
correct date and approx. time easily.

The only differences I see are E-PL3 vs. E-M5, Vista vs. 7 and downloading with 

Picture Information Extractor is a free app for viewing EXIF data and other 
stuff. I don't particularly like it for,   
and thus don't use it for, that. But it has a terrific download function that 
beats anything else I could find. If they 
would separate it from the rest of the thing, I'd pay a few $ for it. Whether 
it made a difference here, I have no idea.

> W...
> Chuck Norcutt (all mentally tuckered out)

Mental Exhaustion Moose

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