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Re: [OM] You know what I miss?

Subject: Re: [OM] You know what I miss?
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 15:11:12 -0600
> Come clean, AG.  You say "nobody needs flash" and then go on to talk about
> where it's really still needed.  When I can boost shadows in post as cleanly
> as I can reduce highlight I'll agree.  I hate flash but still use it... when
> it's required.

With the latest/greatest digital cameras, unlike the pudgy 2000's
stuff that I use (hehehehe), I'm told that we don't have to use flash
anymore. I suppose I agree with that to a point.

But, to clarify my thought a little:

With a higher ISO setting, the need for flash as the PRIMARY source of
lighting is diminished. It has gone from PRIMARY to FILL. As a source
of fill lighting, we need to only worry about filling the shadows or a
low amount of subject boost. Usually no more than one to two stops
above ambient. Combining the higher ISO with the reduced role of
flash, means that the amount of power needed from the flash is greatly
reduced. Where I used to have to use full-dump flash-exposures at ISO
400, I'm now at 1/4 power at ISO 800. The reduced power means quicker
recycle times and extended battery life.

With the T45, at a reduced flash power, I can go 3 fps almost indefinitely.

Ken Norton
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