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[OM] Downtown Oakland Iowa

Subject: [OM] Downtown Oakland Iowa
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 23:31:58 -0500
It was a decent road-trip day. The daughters were involved in music
competitions in two different cities. We started out in Atlantic, Iowa
for the solo competitions, and then in Bellevue (Omaha), Nebraska for
the Drumline competition. One the way from one to the other, we passed
through Oakland, Iowa.

I took a few minutes to walk this OLD downtown area and get some
photographs. Everything was shot handheld with the Olympus E-3 and
14-42 zoom. Downtown Oakland is one of those unusual survivors of
time. Not only was it not decimated by fire or tornado, but it never
really saw any significant "modernization" through the years. It's not
that Oakland is a dead down--far from it, but it has moved onward
along the highway where the above average household income of the
residents get to spend their money. Oakland is within the commute
circle for Omaha and Counsel Bluffs, so it has transformed into a form
of bedroom community. Yet, the old downtown still survives.

A multi-frame panoramic image showing the main two streets:

The Rusk Building and Sky:

Bent Light Over Door of the Risk Building:

Oakland Medical Center:

Oakland Savings Bank:

Photographer in the Window:

Final Flight:

Ken Norton
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