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Re: [OM] Mormon Sidewalk Chalk Missionaries

Subject: Re: [OM] Mormon Sidewalk Chalk Missionaries
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 14:52:26 -0700
On 7/7/2015 1:38 PM, Chris Crawford wrote:
The pavement in Fort Wayne's downtown Freimann Square was covered in
sidewalk chalk drawings and religious messages by Mormon missionaries on the
Fourth of July. I photographed this section of it while waiting for the
fireworks to begin that evening. I wonder if efforts like this actually win
converts? I can't imagine someone converting to another religion because
they saw something drawn on a sidewalk...


I don't believe this was the work of actual Missionaries from the LDS church, 
who are carefully trained and supervised.

Although it never 'took', I was raised by Mormons until I could get out on my own. The sea of teachings to which I was exposed left me with a pretty good overview of their theology. Although it's overly complicated when you push at the Hell question, and sometimes apparently contradictory, their beliefs about the afterlife don't include the same, simple, Heaven vs. Hell dichotomy as most large Christian denominations. Although they do seem to believe in a state rather like the fire and brimstone Hell, it is only possible for a very, very tiny number of people, and even then not permanent.

Hell is just not a part of everyday teachings, sermons or talk. They do talk about the three degrees of Glory in heaven and Eternal Progression in sermons and classes, but this is not a discussion of their theology, nor am I qualified to do such a thing. ;-)

My personal experience with Mormons growing up and with family members who are good Mormons is that they simply don't spend time discussing about theology. They don't even have seminaries for formal studies, or ordained ministry.

I have three nephews who have been Mormon missionaries. Their descriptions of their experiences, while quite disturbing to me in other ways, are of a highly disciplined group and methods of reaching out and teaching which could not include what you show and describe.

Sounds like some sort of splinter or fringe group. There have always been and 
continue to be quite a few of them.

Outside Looking In Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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