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Re: [OM] Hunt show

Subject: Re: [OM] Hunt show
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 19:06:54 -0500
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
Chris writes:
I think that I still prefer a Billingham:..I see your point.  I have not 
checked whether if can be turned into something better for hiking our back like 
the PD bag. 
Moose has a point about the "steal me" elegant look--flat black think tank does 

Appreciate Chuck clarifying how it hold the 'pod but would need to try it to 
see how cumbersome it was.  Would't buy any bag w/o trying it and still make 
suboptimal decisions.

Hunt show  featured a myriad of new fangled straps.  I thought one might be 
better for Moose than two cams around his neck and better for me cahsing 
critters with cam/lenses binocs,
but they are hard to figure out.  The designer of BosStrap was at the show and 
recommended this item for cam on side and binocs around neck:

(no she wasn't there, darn)
Not sure I like a cam hanging on one lug.

PD also has quite a selection and they are firmly held with QR plate--I tried 
them, quite cool, but could not figure out in short time an optimal 
configuration for me.  
another reason not to rush:


Suspect they fixed it but would ck to be sure. 

Soemthing is squirrely with their website today too.

Still lookin, Mike

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