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Re: [OM] The Photographers smart phone???

Subject: Re: [OM] The Photographers smart phone???
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 06:59:42 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
Cc: Larry Griffin <l_g_griffin@xxxxxxxxx>
     It took me a while to find it, but it sounds like they have a 13MP element 
and they can process four images to render an equivalent o 52MP.  If so, that's 
quite impressive.

>Android Central sent their latest newsletter with coverage of CES. Top 
>of their list for this CES is from Asus Zenfone Zoom (ZX551ML)  "ZenFone 
>Zoom is the world’s thinnest 3x optical-zoom smartphone with an 
>innovative 10-element HOYA lens arrangement for crisp detail — and up to 
>12x total magnification"
>For those interested;


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro 
     - Hunter S. Thompson
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