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[OM] The Gang, through The Straw Hat

Subject: [OM] The Gang, through The Straw Hat
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 21:17:57 -0800
On 1/21/2016 12:33 PM, Tina Manley wrote:

A Kaqchiquel boy selling straw baskets in Panajachel.


I'm mysterified by this series. All good to wonderful subjects, composition, etc. All shot using Kodachrome 64 in 1990. Between Kodak QC in manufacture and processing, Kodachrome was almost absolutely reliable and consistent.

And yet, on the tech side ...

The Gang has glorious skin tones. I feel like I could reach out and touch those faces, knowing ahead of time just how they would feel. (Leaving aside the reaction of boys that age to such a thing.) Yes, there is a little grain, but it's quite modest doesn't detract. Gang II and the Cornfield aren't quite as luscious, but still very nice.

Then comes Natalia. Her nose and her face, on the viewer's right, are similarly lovely. But her forehead and the other side are rough and slightly blotchy looking. Such a wonderful pose of a lovely girl, with her face looking half like sandpaper. Then almost all of Armando's skin looks like that and now the background grain is much more pronounced and rougher looking that the earlier ones. These look like a couple of the same kids that were in the "Gang" shots, no?

Then, in Church, we have good skin again, except maybe for the kid on the far right. Therein may lie a tale? Todo is back to rough skin and background, as, to a slightly lesser extent is the straw hat.

Is this all a result of digital processing? If we saw a show of these slides projected, would the areas that I wonder about all be in pretty deep shadow, and they've been pulled up through scanning and/or post scan processing? Have some been cropped and enlarged much more than others?

These are all part of a selection of some of the finest or your work that I've seen, and I hate to see such wonderful images spoiled, at least to my eye, by correctable technical flaws. <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/Manley/Natalia.htm>

Smooth Moose ;-)

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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