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Re: [OM] Megapixels and definition or how many angels can dance on the h

Subject: Re: [OM] Megapixels and definition or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2016 09:03:23 -0400
Moose did mention Lightroom on this thread on 9/20/2016 @ 6:37 PM (before the change to add angels dancing) He said:
> If you really care about resolution, follow AG's advice, shoot Raw, > get the Adobe subscription and learn to use at least LR in place of
> FastStone for Raw conversion and editing. Anything less renders your
> complaint moot.
> Resolute Moose

But what he was really recommending was Adobe Camera Raw via the Adobe CC monthly subscription and using "at least LR" if not Photoshop. I suggested PSE as a cheaper alternative but, as he was quick to point out in reply, PSE is less powerful and in the end not much cheaper since upgrading in PSE means buying the next full version. But the main advantage of PSE is that you get a much less abrupt introduction to editing. The "automated" mode shows you what's possible. The "guided" mode shows you in detailed steps how to do it and the fully manual mode does give you most of what Photoshop has. It also has a library system similar to Lightroom... which I consider a disadvantage but you can ignore it if you want to.

Chuck Norcutt

On 9/22/2016 7:25 AM, bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I thank you all for giving my questions so much of your time.

I do
have fairly fast broadband now. This computer is pretty fast. Next week
it will have the 2TB drive substituted for the present unit which is an
effective 0.5 TB.

I never used FastStone for RAW conversion. But I
reckon I'm pretty quick and experienced with using several of its
facilities for editing jpegs.

I noticed that nobody mentioned
Lightroom. Why not?

I still have questions in my head, but they can
stay there for now.

Cheers, Brian

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