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Re: [OM] Lens

Subject: Re: [OM] Lens
From: Martin Walters <mwalters@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 08:38:34 -0500

Sorry, a bit too cryptic on my part. 'WR' is short for weather resistant.

In terms of focal lengths, my gap is also between the 12-50 (which is not as sharp as it could be at the long end) and the 75-300 (which is a bit slow at the short end). In particular situations, I end up wanting either a bit longer, or a bit shorter FL. It's cumbersome to be changing lenses.

On 2017-02-22 4:51 PM, Moose wrote:
I also recognize that the 2.8 zooms may be marginal for these same dim/dark/night conditions, compared to primes. However, at the moment, they or the 12-100 are really the only way to go for WR lenses

Ya got me with QR. Working Reality? Widely Restricted? Holey Volley? What a Ride!

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