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Re: [OM] OT: The Future of Computers

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: The Future of Computers
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 10:31:31 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
>Another old favourite that seems to have bit the dust was FORTH. Like 
>Smalltalk (and unlike almost everything available today), it had a 
>consistent, logical, easy-to-remember model, but you could easily 
>implement “new” machine-code instructions. Compare that to the constant 
>behind-the-scenes casting and forced type violations that happen with 
>almost every Java statement.
>In the early 80s, when most of you were huddled in caves, banging rocks 
>together, typing on bended knee at the almighty “C: “ prompt, I had a 
>full-windowing system, consistently and logically controlled by Doug 
>Englebart’s new-fangled “mouse” — all in ONE MEGABYTE of RAM!

     Yes, and yes again!  But how are you going to get newbie programmers to 
embrace the idea of efficiency in a world where they have been taught that 
speed and memory ar both infinite?  

     On the news yesterday it was revealed that here in the US 80% of kids 
cannot tell time by looking at a clock.  I'm the opposite: I look at the 
numbers and imagine the face of a clock to know what the time is.

Chris Trask
Senior Member IEEE
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