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Re: [OM] E-500 any good?

Subject: Re: [OM] E-500 any good?
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 07:20:34 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
     That's a damned good price.  I paid US$800 for that kit at Costco when it 
first came out.

     The E-500 is my primary field camera, and may very likely remain so as 
I've become very familiar with it.  The only thing it lacks is the ability to 
use a wired remote.  I did recently get an E-510 and E-520 body, so maybe I'll 
become equally familiar with those.

     It has the same 8MP Kodak KAF-8300CE CCD sensor as the E-300.  The E-510 
and E-520 have 10M MOS sensors.  Wikipedia has a nice page on the E-500:


>Bad me, I saw some traffic here recently on this camera, but didn't pay 
>Does this one use the Kodak sensor that people rave about?
>I searched the list, and some purport that the E-500 uses the same MOS sensor 
>as the E-300, but others say not, it uses a Kodak sensor. Anyone know for sure?
>I've got an E-3 and an E-300. What does an E-500 get me that those don't do?
>Comes with two kit lenses for C$75, which at today's exchange rate, is about 
>US$4.37. :-(
> https://www.usedvictoria.com/classified-ad/Olympus-Digital-Camera_35069279


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro 
     - Hunter S. Thompson
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