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Re: [OM] Moosehead Lake trip and with MW shots

Subject: Re: [OM] Moosehead Lake trip and with MW shots
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 22:06:12 -0800
On 11/10/2021 3:56 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
Thanks for looking Wayne.   I thought Moose would really like the Stress Free 
Moose Pub shot.

I was orienting myself. The place we liked was the Black Frog, now gone, and replaced by the Dockside Inn and Tavern. I don't believe there was a restaurant where the Stress Free Moose is now. My impression is that the Frog and the bakery across the street were the only places to eat.

Been a while now, 2001, 2007 and sometime in between. We stayed with friends. but for one night, when our planning went astray.

  Actually we ate outside well away from anyone and it was
the only decent meal of the trip.  I am thankful we had one non-cloudy night 
for a few hours.  It was clearing up as  we were finishing dinner at SFM.  We 
parked and hiked to the spot and waited for dark and the clouds to diminish.

Ah, I see where you were. I think we drove a little farther up the lake on that side, but not much. Didn't go out on that point.

I know Marnie doesn't think much of her astro shot with the dock, but I think 
it's terrific!

Head Moose

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